Sunday, February 7, 2010

Republicans cut taxes, and Democrats raise them. True? False? I think it is BS. You?

How and why did the Demsocratic Party allow itself to painted into the corner by this BS?

We have just emerged from 8 years of GOP 'tax-cutting', (that's what they 'do', remember?) and guess what? Democrats and 'President Obama' will probably have to raise taxes to pay for the 'smoke-blowing' party and the mess. This happens every decade or so, and then, somehow, they (the spendthrifts/bloodsuckers/parasites, with Wall Street cheering them on) get back into power by accusing Dems of raising taxes. Dems raise money, and then the Republicans 'blow' it.

Republicans cut taxes on the rich, and then spend money they don't have on them, and then Democrats have to foot the bill?

What BS!

'Spread the wealth around', dammit!


And now I'm going to hug a tree.

Republicans cut taxes, and Democrats raise them. True? False? I think it is BS. You?
I'm with you. Total B.S. courtesy of the Republican Party.

Obama '08.Republicans cut taxes, and Democrats raise them. True? False? I think it is BS. You?
No, your assessment is pretty accurate.

The difference is that no one takes into account SPENDING in that model. The Republicans are Spend and Spend. The Democrats are Tax and Spend. I don't know about you, but I don't put a lot of things on credit, I need the money in my hand before I start spending it. Taxes bring in the money needed to spend. Spending before more spending devalues the dollar by creating a need to print more currency.

Democratic economics are needed in crisis and Republican economics are needed during prosperity.
It makes no difference how many times Obama has explained that only people making $250,000 a year will have a tax increase, yet the Republicans don't, or won't hear it and continue to say he'll raise taxes.

Just by chance, just Mccain win, we'll definitely know the Republicans cheated, or had things fixed and wait until they see what he does with taxes.
This site is short on economist. Dems raise taxes on business owners who in turn must cut jobs and send jobs overseas. Spread the wealth around my a@#! Somebody works like hell to own a small business and you want them to just hand it over to people like you who have done nothing to earn it! This is America and if you want wealth you are as free as a bird to go out and get it! They did and didn`t expect or desire your handout and neither should you!
Bush turned his back on all the Republican values, except the military.

Republican borrow and spend. Democrats tax and spend.

To me, Republicans have sold America to China, that's who we borrow from most of the time.

At least Democrats don't sell us out like that.
It has to be that way. The Repubs create these HUGE deficits. Then Dem come in and need to fix the mess. Reagan did it - Clinton had to clean it up. Bush created it - who is going to clean it up? Not McCain that's for sure.

Obama is just repealing the tax cuts on those making over 250k I can't understand why some of the same people who complained about Shell Oil and others getting big tax cuts when they had highest profits in history and we had high gas prices,, are now supporting mccain
Well, if you remember correctly, Bush Sr. on top of setting up Saddam, also introduced a tax hike, so obviously Republicans don't lower them.
Perhaps you need to do a little more research. Democratic policies and interference in the banking industry got us to where we are.
No tax cut for business ok fine, business leaves country because taxes are too high. Who loses?
u old hippy tokolosh man (that dates u)....wisdom comes with age and u are reading it right but a little flag waving and a few god bless americas will have those rednecks eating out of their hands
It isn't true

It's a matter of the long term. Republicans make a bigger deficit
Its true-its a historic fact.
Yep, totally BS ......

And this is the way it has been done for years and years and years.

But its comes down to the war, Its expensive and POINTLESS! so it should stop.
True republicans cut taxes and spend a lot causing a huge deficit but do you think obama can really fix it. True he wants to end this war (which in my opinion is wrong because that would make every solider that gave his or her life did so in vain but that's besides the point) but he also wants to embark of so many government controlled journeys (i.e. universal health care...well that sounds expensive) that will prove to be just as expensive as the war if not more. True the taxes will be higher but I don't care how high the taxes are we do not have the resources for some of these programs.

McCain is the way to go...universal health care does not work anywhere and it will not work here. Ther war might have been started the wrong way but as of now it is wrong to pull out. The majority of the soldiers in the war believe in what they are fighting for and believe they should be there.
The Democrats are notorious for out of control spending, and always have been. Go back to the Reagan years. Ronald Reagan cut taxes, and revenue to the treasury grew. However, so did spending that Congress authorized, a Democratic controlled Congress.

Look at the last two years. In January 2007, after being selected as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, (D) said it was time to get spending under control. This Congress in 2007 added $1.3 Trillion to the deficit. So much for controlling spending.

In 2008 alone, in fact in the last few weeks, this same Democratic Congress under Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senator Harry Reid (D) authorized $700 Billion to bail out the banking industry from a problem that the Democrats and Bill Clinton helped to create.

Democrats will spend every dollar they can, whether they have it or not, and the American taxpayer has to foot the bill.

';Spread the wealth around'; is Socialism and will do nothing to help the economy or the American people, in the long run.
NO!!! All Republicans do is defer taxes for later! Then they increase spending so we end up paying twice as much taxes in the long run! This comes in the form of bailout package like now and also in '86 after the S%26amp;L Banking Crisis (also courtesy of Republicans!) which led to a punishing recession too!!

And our 700 billion dollar corporate love fest which the public will have to pay for too! Far more than what just paying normal taxes the last 8 years would have cost!

It's all bait and switch - and a shell game but NEVER A TAX CUT only accounting tricks which we have to pay for later.
Think about it, Republicans want to lower taxes on EVERYONE!!

not just the rich

and mccain already said that he cant do it right now!!

and obama DEFINITELY cant do ANTTHING right now!!


and don't even get me started on obama's plan


what his plan is going to do make him richer

he was one of the highest paid people in the Senate

2nd highest to be exact

and if that doesn't tell you anything idk what will

his plan is going to make all of us BROKE!!

he is going to but us in a DEPRESSION!!!



So Obama is not going to do JACK for are country



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