This was told to me,but can any anger-management professionals out there tell me if this is true or not?(I'm quite a heavy coffee drinker and cigarette+cannabis smoker).True or false:My anger management problem will improve if I cut out coffee and cannabis from my lifestyle?
marijuana can cause anxiety, paranoid deluions
coffee has caffine which is a upper, it is a mind stimulant
however, anger is partially caused by male hormone, so if you cut those two, your anger may decrease a little, but your hormones will still be high
you have to have a lifestyle change in order to have less angerTrue or false:My anger management problem will improve if I cut out coffee and cannabis from my lifestyle?
Pathways to Peace Anger Management Workbook. Quick answers never resolve the problem. It takes actual work.
I do not think your anger is down to what you are taking maybe you have something deep rooted that you need to get out.Good Luck
quit the coffee and cigarettes...keep the cannabis.
TRUE!! but its up to you what you want to do, the best thing is to give up on thing at a time or cut down, don't give everything up all at once or you'll get even more angry, cut down on the coffee first and see the improvements that make,
OH FOR SURE . . . especially if you are heavy weed smoker. One of the signs of heavy weed users is irritability. There is truth in the fact that you are self-medicating, but the cannabis adds to and exacerbates the irritability/anger that you are feeling from other causes..
Heavy coffee and cigarette doesn't help ... but all that THC clogging up your brain is a killer. Depending on the extent of your use ... let's say a quarter to a half a day . . . you could be looking at 1 -1 1/2 years before all of the THC is gone from your system.
My best sense is that you need a chemical dependency evaluation. You really need to kick the pot. If in fact you are chemically dependent (addicted) to pot, you are going to need some treatment for the addiction in addition to the anger/management problem. And addiction is not about will power. Addictions are just like any other illness . . . they have their own set of dynamics and ways of being ';managed';. Otherwise, quite frankly, you are pissing in the wind.
I will leave you with a thought . . . if there was a full pound of pot on the table in front of you ... when would you stop? OR . . . For 3 days, smoke just one regular doobie a day . . . see how long you can last . .. before you're hitting up your ';man'; for more. Addictions is not about ';using'; ... it's about stopping. If you can't ';stop'; then you have an addiction.
sure worked for me
It's true.
Coffee in particular causes aggitation if you drink enough.
But you also need to learn new ways of controlling your anger from inside your head.
Cutting these things out will help you achieve anger management control but you also need to help yourself mentally.
It's a hard thing to get a hold on but once you find something that works for you it becomes so much easier. And you will feel so much better about yourself. And so will all the people around you.
Good luck with it.
i have to say that as someone with anxiety that does get to me that yes caffine can aggitate these things more. because it is a drug you may not want to cut it out cold turkey just cut down i used to drink coffee all day and now i only drink one or two cups a day. again with ciggarettes that can also aggitate you more if you quit that cold turkey and may also not help your anger. now i know that this sounds old of me but i assume that cannabis is pot and i don't really know how that affects your anger. i have heard that it can help. but that is very touchy because it is illeagal. i know that most people who are recovering from addictions and even mental illness usually don't give up smoking. i know what it does to me and that would not help my anger at all. so i think that it is all in who you talk too. i am not a proffesional but go to your doc and get a second opinion on that. clearly none of these things are good for you but, hey sometimes you have to have some vice. and good for you for going to anger management and admitting that you have a problem that is great. hope that this helps a little. i could be just talking out of my hiney too. best of luck
I find it very hard to live without coffee and cigarettes, first thing I do in the morning is have a coffee and a ciggy. I just can't cope most days without, but I have noticed, that when I make a real effort to go caffeine free I am more stable emotionally, as for cigarettes, its the times leading up to my need of a fix that I become less emotionally stable.
I ain't an anger-management professional, I am some one who has anger-management issues (cyclothymia) and I can assure you that the stimulants above do have a real effect on my mood, but it is hard to see the link at first as if you are like me they have become apart of your life. For the most part I have coffee and cigarettes to get me going and keep me going as I eat very badly, their are foods out there that could make the need of the above less.
I don't do cannabis as I have seen it mess friends up (They could never see it at the time, probably a bit like me and coffee)
If you do try to cut down on the above, get replacements, ciggys an caffeine give you the feeling of energy, so if you can replace the with fruit you will not get the energy crashes of the stimulants.
It isn't magic, you won't probably notice much change in yourself, but give it a try and get the perceptions of someone you trust about how you are with out the caffeine etc.
Good luck
Your substance abuse is not the cause but rather the symptoms of your 'anger' problem. Being angry isn't a disorder, the behavior you fail to control is. Discover the reason you self medicate and treatment of the maladaptive acting out is easy.
Not so much coffee although if you drink alot you sould cut down to 4 cups a day. Weed, definatly, everyone i know who smokes it has anger problems.
For me, anger 'management' is like putting a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. It's masking the symptom and not the cause.
Your anger is crying out to be expressed. Masking it with drugs, caffeine and 'management' is not allowing it to have a voice.
What is hurting you? What are you fearing? What are you unconsciously not allowing yourself to say?
I really recommend finding yourself a good counsellor who can maybe facilitate you to discover the root of this anger.
It doesn't need 'managing' YOU need to be heard.
yes, it might be hard to begin with, you might be crabby for a while if you are going cold turkey however in the long run it will help quite a lot
I'm chilled when blazed, a lil moody when not. Coffee is an upper, green is a downer, try balance them. Jus chill cuz why even waste time gettin cross, jus rather not give a **** about it. haha
Well you might need some help, I'm no proffessional but i can say that it will take time and a lot of will power, stay at and good luck
See anger management at ( on page 4. 2 coffee max/day - in a few weeks, or when ready, return here for tips on giving up smoking, and switch to cookies, or magic muffins, because you won't want to give up smoking twice!
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