just curious- When cleaning and grooming a horse, it is important to cut the hair inside the horse's ears. true or false
If you are showing halter or showmanship, clip the inside of the ears and be prepared to protect your horse from insects, 24/7. Otherwise, leave it alone...there are more reasons to leave it alone than to clip it. I won't go into all of the reasons why you should leave nature to nature, but clipping hairs inside of a horse's ears is NOT going to interfere with their hearing.- When cleaning and grooming a horse, it is important to cut the hair inside the horse's ears. true or false
Well u pinch the sides of the ear together and then u cut the hair sticking out of the ear. NEVER stick scissors in a horses ear.NEVER!!!!!
My opinion of this is... its very important not to... if you have a paddock horse that doesnt wear ear covers then the hair in your horses ear is there to help run off water and to stop bugs and mites entering the ear... i do clip my horses ear hair for big shows but i never ever clip more then the hair thats poking out.. (ie dont shave or use clippers on the inside of the ear) but i guess ever one has their own ideas...
If it is hot where you live, if your horse sweats a lot, and if you are showing- yes.
yes this is important. this allows the horse to hear cues in the ring better and it gives youre horse a clean crisp look that are needed for the shows.
only if your going to be competing in a halter show, do you really have to.
it can be true and false.
if your horse lives inside and is a showy horse and you take him to shows a lot. then yes, especially for dressage
if you horse lives outside then no. they need that hair for protection against flys, dirt etc...
its really with what you feel comfortable with. i do cut mine.
it will make your horse cleanner and can hear better but you dont have to
False %26amp; True. This is a good question and probably could benefit a lot of people on here!
I do not trim my horse's ears but I do clean them about once every other month. Although it is not a big deal if you don't do it like you said, it is always good to just take a small soft damp sponge or cotton ball (make sure you squeeze all the water you can out of it, so it is barely wet at all) and just clean the inside that is visible to you. Don't go inside or deep in the ear where you cannot see from a glance. Don't brush the ears because they are a sensitive place and it can irritate them. I do not clip my horse's ears or my horse at all for that matter as I said above. I think it is good to have hairs in the ears because it can protect them from bugs, rain, ect.
Good Luck %26amp;
Happy Show
Season 'o8
(This is what I posted on an earlier question about this too)
I personally hate this show trend. That hair plays a vital role in their health and survival by keeping dirt and insects from entering and damaging the ear.
It is however important to clean the ear thoroughly each time you groom. Take a damp wash cloth to sponge and wipe from the inside out- NEVER GO FROM the OUTSIDE IN.
If you prefer to have your horse's ears trimmed, only trim the surface of the ear and about a one inch width strip on the inner ear- leaving the most inner part hairs in tact. Make sure you are trimming properly as you don't want to leave excess hair behind as it can cause irritation.
no, it's not, unless you're showing in nice shows. the hair helps keep their ears warm and debris from falling into them, which would then lead to irritation. also, many times people don't pay attention to where the hair is falling after it has been cut- if it falls inside the ear your horse will not be happy!
i would trim my horse's ears for shows, but she's deathly afraid of the clippers!
My horses hear me fine and I have never cut the hair inside their ears...lol. My front door is a bit over 100 yards from their fence and I can't even sneak a peak out the door at them without them hearing me...so I think it's done mostly for looks. I don't show so I don't cut. I do take a baby wipe and clean just inside their ears out though...but I don't go where I can't see.
only for shows. i did that and i dont show my horse was getting little bugs in his ears the hair helps to keep the bugs out.so if you dont show i would leave the ears alone.
Some breeds require it to be competitive...however, it's only for show horses....The hair inside the ears protects horses from flys....
So, for your question...False, you've taken away their natural protection.
i think this is done in showing, i wouldn't do it with a pleasure horse, or shave off their whiskers, let them be as natural as poss, unless its done for turnout!
This practice is purely cosmetic, it will NOT make your horse hear better...........Doh!!! horses are prey animals and their hearing is very finely tuned so they can hear predators creeping up if the wind is blowing the wrong way. If hairy ears compromised hearing, there would be no horses with hairy ears!!! Stands to reason, they would all have been eaten.
The hair is to stop insects entering the ear canal, to stop infections caused by debris getting into the ear, and to stop wind from making the inner ear sore. By trimming the hair away, you are interfering with their natural defence mechanism.
You can trim the outer edge to give a sharper profile, if you show.
Never shave the inside of a poor horses ear!
Horses need the hair inside there ears to stop them getting dirt, dust and insects in there ears.
If you wanted to make there ears look nicer and defined, fold the ear inhalf and with a pair ofclippers run them up the outside of the ear.
DONT!!! Cutting the horses' ear hair, when you don't know how to do it properly, can damage horses for life, in being headshy and afraid of razors.
i trim my horse s hair( ears muzzle bridle path and fetlocks) in the summer i might trim their fetlocks and bridle path year rount but not as short as in the summer
For showing it's better that you do, your horse looks better.
I don't cut it unless I'm going to a big show.
The hair helps keep bugs out of their ears, and since my horse can pull of his fly mask...I usually leave the hair long. =]
you dont have to, but it will make your horse look cleaner, he can hear better, and he'll look alot better, and he will feel 'aired out'
I never cut the hair off in the inside of the ear because its there for a reason. Bugs willl lay eggs in the ear (no i am not joking) if the hair is gone, but they can't get in there if the hair is still there.
I do clip the ears for show just not the inside. You have to hold the ear closed and just run the clippers along the side.
It is a good idea when you live in a hot climate area. It helps to identify ticks easily.
The hair actually reduces ear mites by helping restrict their entrance. It does not eliminate them only reduces their number. Show horses are prone to them for this reason and after shaving the inside of the ears most show horses need their ears to be wiped with insecticide wipes (preferably those made for ears), to reduce this.
I discovered this the hard way, after trimming my studs ears.
The main reason a horses ears are trimmed.. is for a neat appearance in the show ring.. The hair actually keeps dirt out of the inner ear..
There are ways of trimming that ';clean up'; the look of the horse, and add to its overall presentation, ie :eaving ';tips'; of hair to make the ears appear more refined and ';tipped'; or curved in.. ie as with arabs in halter.. When selling a horse, being well groomed is often a plus.. Its that all important first impression..
So grooming for showing.. yes.. Daily care.. no.. they are probably better off with it.
( I prefer the ';well groomed'; look myself )
no unless you plan to show. Since the horse used the fur/whiskers to insulate it's ears.
Better to not cut the hair, the hair helps keep insects, and dirt out. You cut the hair and more often then not the horse will develop aureal plaque.
Actually those hairs have a certain function, they help to prevent insects from entering the ear and the wind from blowing deeper into the ear, if you have to cut them you will have to put insect repellent (it has cremes for that), and if you have to deal with deer flies in the summer i spayed ';OFF - Deep woods'; on a sponge and wiped it on to the ears, that helped.
I recommend not cutting the hair inside their ears, it is there for a reason (to keep dirst and bugs out). Instead just trim the outside of the ear for a cleaner look.
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